Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Other Blogs

Lately I've been checking out two blogs I like:

Miscellany (http://melbournestories.blogspot.com/) and

Paul Oslo Davis http://pauldavisdrawings.blogspot.com/.

Miscellany is the adventures of a late twenties female school teacher living in inner Melbourne. Sometimes it makes me snort or chortle.

Paul Oslo Davis is a Melbourne illustrator and cartoonist. He also makes me chortle or titter. Paul publishes Raised Eyebrows which is Melbourne's only 1 page A3 zine/comic. If you like his work you may be able to get him to send you a copy.
He also had 2 cartoons published in The Age newspaper over summer which you may have seen.

He draws in a squiggly line style, which I really like. His sense of humour is strange which is up my alley.

Check 'em out.

1 comment:

M said...

heh heh, glad I'm making someone snort or chortle :)